Statute of Limitations

The Statute of Limitations dictates the amount of time allocated for certain tax-related actions. For example, the IRS has three years to audit your tax return or send you a refund, but they have ten years to collect after a tax has been assessed. There are some exceptions to the ten year collection rule. Applying for certain payment arrangements will suspend the ten year time frame while those arrangements are pending, but add extra time to the statute of limitations for your case once the suspension period is over. It is important to know when the Statute of Limitations expires, but it is just as important to know what to do with that information. We have the expertise to help you make those decisions. Sometimes, filing for a certain status or payment plan can do more harm than good. Everyone’s tax debt issues are different and it is critical that all factors be considered. Our tax professionals will find out how the Statute of Limitations applies to your circumstances and then advise you as to the best course of action to take.