IRS Notice & Account Monitoring
Get updates on IRS Account Quickly and Quietly

As an EA, we can access IRS records discretely, explain what they show, and provide expert advice on how you can resolve any issue. We offer a service that provides a) annual review of the current and previous three years of taxes for refund opportunities b) Provides a comprehensive Tax Analysis Report once a year and c) detects IRS Audits & Exams months in advance in most cases allowing the mitigation of penalties & interest for a flat fee of $150.

The $150 Program

1. We access all your wage and income transcripts.

  • A Wage & Income transcript reveals data reported to the IRS by third parties under your taxpayer identification number (such as W-2 and 1099 income). It is a vital resource if you are looking to file late tax returns or if you want to understand why the IRS believes you owe tax.

2. We send you an easy-to-read comprehensive written report of your IRS account transcripts including information about:

  • The filing status of your tax returns.
  • How much you owe for each year with a breakdown of tax, interest, and penalties.
  • A payment history showing how payments have been applied.
  • Whether you are eligible for penalty abatement.
  • Whether you can discharge your tax debt in bankruptcy.
  • When your tax debts expire (usually after 10 years).

3. We provide a confidential consultation who will review your IRS records and explain your various options.

Everything You Need to Solve Your IRS Problems before it Happens

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